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Eco team

Our Eco team is led by the pupils of Waunarlwydd Primary School. The team is represented by children from Year 2 to Year 6. It is designed to empower and inspire our young people to make positive environmental changes to our school and the wider community of Waunarlwydd, while building on their skills. Encouraging learners to become ethically informed global citizens.

Meet the team

What’s going on in Eco?........

Spring Term 2025 

We have our Platinum award eco assessment this year. The way the eco schools are organised is changing, and they would like to see a shift from the eco team working solely on eco initiatives to eco being woven into the curriculum. So the eco team have decided they would like to drive a whole school focus on the effects of litter and encouraging Bio diversity in the Spring term on our whole school topic of 'The green, green grass of home.' They will be working on ways to encourage biodiversity in our school grounds and raising awareness of the effects of litter.

January and February We will be revitalising the woodland pond, topping up our bird feeders, leading our whole school in online RSPB webinars, making a bug hotel, introducing no-cut long grass areas, planting pollinator plants to make a wild garden area, making information boards for our school grounds about the species that live there and the whole school will be taking part in our what’s in our hedgerow project. 

On Monday 13th January, the eco team received training on our new climate change equipment from learning through landscapes.

March 2025 The eco team will be raising awareness of litter in assemblies and the whole school will be taking part in Litter interactive webinar sessions. 

World book day March 3rd - The eco team will be collaborating with the Senedd pupil voice group to organise a swap shop for world book day costumes and books.

As a whole school we will be taking part in: Spring Clean Cymru 2024 - Keep Wales Tidy - Caru Cymru The eco team will be organising litter picks in our local area between 15th - 31st March.


Autumn Term 2024

September 2024 All classes now deliver homework and parents' evening appointments online, saving a whole tree every year!

We have applied for the ‘bulbs for school’ grant. We have our fingers crossed waiting to hear!

New members and positions of chairperson, vice chair, secretary and press officer have been elected. Congratulations to our successful candidates.

Eco schools audit completed by all members during our meetings.

A new action plan for 2024/2025 has  been drawn up by the Eco committee.

The proposed new tyre incineration plant objection was written by the Eco team and shared with the whole school during assembly.

October 2024 Assembly to meet the eco team and look at our big question for the term….. Should the tyre incineration plant be allowed in Waunarlwydd?

Thanks to our parents and eco team for organising a pre-loved Swap shop – uniform, costumes and Christmas jumpers, just in time for the PTA Monsters Ball Disco.

The eco team have collaborated with our Criw Cymraeg to launch a Shwmae day home learning task to reuse items from our recycling to make something to represent Wales.

Eco have been working hard to clear the planters and plant bulbs ready for spring.

November and December 2024 Local authority battery collection bins and liners will be arriving and a whole school assembly to remind everyone to recycle their batteries. 

After our successful bid for the 'bulbs for schools' grant. We planted over 100 bulbs around the school grounds - we can't wait to see them in spring!


Summer Term update 2024 We won the nature and climate change grant: 4 hours of training for teaching staff, £500 worth of outdoor learning equipment and a climate control curriculum pack worth £150.

Food waste challenge. Eco shared ideas to reduce food waste in assemblies and monitored food waste, encouraging pupils to eat all their food and rewarding them with stickers.

Senedd and eco worked together to continue their monthly book swap shop.

Parents and the eco launched their first pre-loved uniform swap shop in July with lots of items being recycled.