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Senedd Communication

Website of the week:


Times Table Rockstars (TTRS).

We rate this website 9 1/2 out of 10 because it is a fun way to learn your times tables. We especially like getting points to spend on accessories as well as the Rock Star names.

Reviewed this week by Tobi, Sarah, Mia-Anne and Emily.

Senedd Communication

Pupil News:

Congratulations goes to:

Chloe in Miss Horseman’s class for getting a certificate in Brownies.

Sarah and Freya in Mr Evans’ class for getting a ‘Mindful’ badge in Brownies.

Chloe Anne in Miss Tyrrell’s class for gaining a achieving a new badge in swimming.


Well done to everyone 🙂

Senedd Communication

This week we decided upon new categories to blog about.  We enjoyed the last categories but thought it was time for a change. The new categories that we will be blogging about are:-

  • Favourite book
  • Website of the week (to help with our learning)
  • Pupil news (competition winners etc)
  • Favourite song in singing

We hope you enjoy reading our new blog!!!!

Senedd Communication

Joke of the week: Harley, Lewis, Hollie, Tia

“Doctor, Doctor, I’ve swallowed a ladder”.

“Let’s just take this one step at a time!”


Why did the cow cross the road?

Because he wanted to go to the mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovies!

Senedd Communication

Playground game of the Week: Keira, Luke, Hallie

Why not give this fun game a go?

Hide and Seek Tag

There is one ‘seeker’. They have to go and find other players who are hiding in a given area. When they find a player they then have to try and tag them. The first person to be tagged is the next ‘seeker’.



Senedd Communication

Playground Game of the Week:

Chosen by Harley, Lewis, Hollie and Tia

British Bulldogs – Tag edition

How to play: one person stands in the middle of an area in between 2 sides. They are ‘on it’. They say 3, 2, 1 “go!” and the other players have to run from one side to the other. The person on it has to touch the other players and if they do then that player also becomes a ‘tagger’. You carry on playing until everyone is tagged. The last person to be tagged is the winner!

Senedd Communication

Favourite Lesson:

Mia-Anne – adding to large amounts of money together using column addition.

Sarah – Finding out about Christianity in RE

Alex – Finishing our electric circuit in science to turn on a light in a safe