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Friday May 20th

This week began with a superb visit from Menter Iaith Abertawe, who worked with all children from Nursery to Y6 teaching and playing fun playground games through the medium of Welsh. All the children had a great time! Diolch!

Morning Nursery enjoyed lots of fun activities for P week but the highlight was the surprise pizza party to say goodbye to Mrs Eaton. Afternoon Nursery have loved learning and joining in with the 3 Little Pigs story and had a great time playing with paper planes on the field.

Derbyn (Reception) have been learning all about spiders this week! The children enjoyed making their own fact files about spiders and using spider legs to work out number bonds to 8. They created spiders in the woods using natural materials and made marvellous monoprint spiderwebs. Another highlight was their gym session where they moved in different ways like a spider, responding to the classical piece ‘Pizzicato’ by Leo Delibes. Miss Tyrrell’s class have had a great week learning about frogs and have discovered some very interesting facts, as well as learning about the life cycle of a frog. They loved listening to the story ‘Oi Frog’ and made up their own silly rhyming sentences before writing them independently. Other hits this week included their mini-beast hunt during forest school and practising their addition and subtraction skills whilst solving mini-beast problems.

Mrs Horseman and Mrs Tucker’s class thoroughly enjoyed writing some fantastic mini beast fact files this week, researching facts about a minibeast of their choice. The children loved going on their minibeast hunt in outdoor learning and collecting natural materials to make a bug hotel. Mrs Evans and Mrs Thomas’ class have continued to develop their outdoor area and their planting garden is looking fantastic. Other highlights include creating their ladybird factfiles and making branch minibeast games using JiT on Hwb. The week ended with a wonderful visit from Harley the lizard!

Year 3 have been getting stuck into their new topic, using their awesome creative skills to produce some amazing art work – sketching one of the 7 wonders of the world. They have also been resourceful when using atlases to find and learn about different countries of the world.

Lots of highlights in Mr Jenkins’ class this week. Children have been sharing their concerns over air pollution in science. They have also been creating dioramas in readiness for their animation work. In numeracy the children have been solving problems using areas and perimeters and looking for patterns in number. Creatively, children have continued to draw and paint in the style of Nick Holly. Their gymnastics lessons are progressing well, with the creation of some wonderful sequences using balances.

Year 5 and 6 have had a great week, engaging superbly in their independent projects, applying skills across the curriculum to create factfiles about countries of their choice. A highlight for Year 5 has been the shelter building with Miss Shaw, while the biggest hit for year 6 was their Circus eruption workshop at Gowerton Comprehensive School where they were joined by all the other schools within our cluster.

We are developing several outdoor areas across the school. A huge thanks to the parents/families that have donated seeds and plants. Any more donations will be gratefully received!

Dates for the diary

Wednesday May 25th – Year 3 to 6 Fire Engine Visit

Friday May 27thJUBILEE PARTY – we will be celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee! Non-school uniform – red, white and blue clothes would be great.

Friday June 24th – INSET DAY

Monday June 27th – INSET DAY

**Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th June – Provisional dates for sports days (Please note that these dates have been altered)**

Thursday July 7th – Provisional date for pupil/parent workshops.

We have other trips, visits and events planned for the summer term. We will let you know details as soon as we can!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate in getting in touch!

Have a great weekend! See you all on Monday!

Mr Jamie Evans

Deputy Headteacher

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