Another fantastic week at Waunarlwydd Primary School. It's been a super start to 2025! It was great to see so many Nursery parents in school on Thursday to catch up over a coffee and spend the morning in class with their amazing children. We hope everyone enjoyed! Our awesome Eco team welcomed the charity 'Learning through Landscapes' this week and they are now experts on using our new climate change measuring kit. Our Year 6 footballers represented the school at a tournament today and, as always, did themselves proud with their effort and sportsmanship. As always, the school was filled with Waunarlwydd's brand of 'Learning and Laughter.'
A huge thanks to those parents that completed the parent questionnaires before Christmas. Our highest turnout yet! We have collated the results and will be using them to support our plans for school improvement. Your voice really does matter! Whilst it is always amazing to pass on positive comments to staff and identify strengths we can build on, it is of equal importance that we listen to your thoughts and ideas for improvement. We will be putting together a 'you said, we did' overview throughout the term! Diolch pawb!
Parent Workshops
Following parental feedback, we have begun to tailor our parental workshops. We appreciate that this is short notice, but we will be holding the following 2 workshops in the coming weeks. If there is a demand to repeat them, we will. You will also find below details of 3 free, government-funded Neurodiversity workshops which may be of interest.

We can now confirm that our final INSET DAYS of the school year will take place on:
Monday June 2nd
Friday July 4th
Monday July 21st
Our amazing PTA continues to go from strength to strength. Using PTA funds, we are currently awaiting a significant delivery of outdoor equipment for all classes to enhance their learning and play outdoors. Exciting events are being planned for 2025, including the first 'PTA give back' event. The 'Mad Hatters' tea party' will take place alongside World Book Day on Thursday 6th March. Also, a reminder that the 'PTA UV Disco' will take place on Thursday 20th February!
Our PTA are always looking for new members. This doesn't need to involve any great time commitment, just a willingness to support as and when you can. If you would like to know how you can help, contact the school, Lara Sturgess or Claire Burnes.
Diolch Pawb!
Expression of Interest - After School Club (Childcare)
Following parental feedback, we are looking into the possibility of restarting after-school childcare provision. This would be provided by local nursery staff but held on school premises. The feasibility of this provision will rely on sufficient numbers to make it financially viable for the nursery. The estimated cost would be £9 per day per child (15.20 to 17.15). This would include a drink and a snack. Please complete the form if you wish to express an interest:
Expression of Interest - After School Club (Childcare) Form

Remember, this is 'OUR SCHOOL' and, as always, if you have any queries, concerns or ideas, don’t hesitate in making contact!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Diolch pawb!
Mr Jamie Evans