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A very big Thankyou – Diolch yn fawr iawn

Friday July 19th

It’s hard to believe we’ve reached the end of the school year. It’s been a wonderful year at Waunarlwydd Primary School and there are lots of big thanks deserved:

  • To our staff, a huge thanks for all your effort and hard work throughout the year. You never fail to give 100% for the children and we are very lucky to have such a dedicated group of staff at Waunarlwydd. Enjoy a well deserved break!
  • To our parents, families and wider community. Massive thanks for all your support. Our pupils’ development is a team effort and we need to continue communicating and working together. Thanks for the positive feedback and ideas for improvements that you have provided us with. Your voice will be clearly evident in our plans for September.
  • To the PTA. You’ve gone from strength to strength and your achievements this year have been phenomenal. Exciting times ahead! Remember, if you’d like to be involved in the PTA just let us know.
  • To our governing body – Thanks for your ongoing support throughout the year and for providing support and challenge with regards to school improvement.
  • Finally, and most importantly, to our amazing pupils. You are all superstars and you have made us all proud everyday. Keep coming to school with a smile and we can look forward to learning and laughing together again in September.
  • To our year 6 pupils. We say a sad goodbye to you but I have no doubt that you will make a huge success of your time at Gowerton. Dream big and go for it! Make sure you come back to see us!

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful Summer everyone! See you on Wednesday September 4th! 

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday July 5th

Another busy week at Waunarlwydd Primary School as we approach the end of a great year.

Highlight of the week has to be the Summer Fair. The weather forecast kept us on our toes but I hope you’ll all agree it was definitely worthwhile going ahead. It was wonderful to see so many members of the school community supporting the school and the children, who will benefit greatly from the funds raised. Money is still being collected (we will announce the grand total next week) but we are heading towards an eye catching total, which will make a big difference to the pupils of Waunarlwydd. A huge thanks to all the parents and families for supporting the event and, of course, our amazing PTA. The amount of work that went into organising the Summer Fair before, during and after the event was incredible and we are extremely lucky to have such an active and forward thinking group of volunteers. Huge thanks, again, to all involved. Remember, if you would like to get involved in the PTA, just let us know!

The next PTA led event will be a pre-loved uniform sale on Thursday 18th July. If you have any uniform (in good condition and clean please) that you would like to donate, drop it in to school. Diolch!

Other highlights this week have included our sponsored bounce, Technocamps competition and Enterprise celebration. Our Year 6 are looking forward to their transition week at Gowerton next week and have been busy preparing for their leavers’ production led by Director Williams. We are in for a treat! We’ve also had school photos taken today and we will let you know how to order copies asap.

We’ve got another busy week ahead next week with us all hoping for good weather on Friday so that our long-awaited whole school beach trip can go ahead. Fingers crossed!

Dates for the Diary

Week beginning 8th July – Year 6 transition week

Thursday 11th July – Meet your teacher

Friday 12th July – Whole School Beach trip

Wednesday 17th July – School Reports

Thursday 18th July – Pre-loved uniform sale

Friday 19th July – Last Day / Break for Summer

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Monday! 

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday June 21st

An amazing week at Waunarlwydd! The weather was kind to us and all our Sports Days went ahead successfully. We’ve tried a different approach this year and we hope you all enjoyed as much as we did. We welcome any feedback, both positive or negative. As always, the children were the stars of the show and did themselves, the school and their families proud! It was great to see so many in attendance. Children, staff, parents, family members, friends and governors coming together was great to see and showed what a wonderful community we have at Waunarlwydd. A special mention to those parents that took part in races for being such good sports! We’ll have more events for you next year! A big congratulations to the RED TEAM who were this year’s champions with a total of 254 points!!!!!!!!!

The sporting theme began earlier in the week for our Year 6 cricketers. They competed in a competition at Dunvant RFC on Monday and a cluster round robin at Gowerton Cricket Club on Tuesday. The team played some great cricket and were a credit with their positive approach.

Pupils in Nursery to Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their visit from ‘Animal Cwtch’ and met some amazing animals including a ghekko, parrot, legless lizard, mice, giant rabbit and hedgehog.

Online Safety – Advice for parents

Dates for the Diary

Wednesday July 3rd – PTA Summer Fair

Friday July 5th – *School Photos*

Friday 12th July – Whole School Beach trip **Change of date**

Thursday July 11th – Meet your new teacher

Week beginning 8th July – Year 6 transition week

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Monday! 

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday June 14th

The weather hasn’t stopped us enjoying another wonderful week at Waunarlwydd. Two big congratulations to our sporting teams. On Tuesday our beach rugby squad enjoyed a great day on Swansea Bay where they played some great rugby and did themselves proud with their attitude. On Thursday it was the turn of our athletics team. In horrendous conditions, every pupil showed amazing resilience, competing with a smile on their faces. They should be very proud! Well done everyone!

We have got our fingers crossed that next week’s sports days will go ahead as planned but if the weather gets in the way, we will let you know as soon as possible and attempt to rearrange the dates. We have changed the format this year and, to help the smooth running, please can you follow the guidance below:

It was an exciting morning on Wednesday as morning Nursery went to the newly opened Waunarlwydd park. They had great fun playing on the equipment and with balls and frisbees on the grass. Everyone listened really well and they were a credit to the school. Afternoon Nursery have been loving the pizza parlour this week. We also welcomed our new friends who will be starting school in September. It was a lovely end to the week when everyone made a pizza to take home. Reception started the week by looking at the patterns on different animals then creating their own animal printing using paints to roll, print and stamp patterns as well as creating texture using different types of paper. P.E was outside this week and children practised kicking a ball into the goals, the egg and spoon race and moved in different ways to do laps of the yard. They then had fun learning about the Christian Creation Story, using props to show each day of creation. The week ended by listening to the story ‘A Little Respectful  Spot’ to find out how we can be respectful to people, places and things. 

This week Year 1 have learned about the 4 layers of the rainforest and its importance. During forest school they planted cress seeds, placed them in different positions around the classroom and made predictions about what might happen. They absolutely loved listening to the Creation story and were able to put the pictures in the correct order.  Year 2 have enjoyed learning about the artist Henri Rousseau. This week they have drawn pictures in the style of Rousseau taking inspiration from some of his rainforest and jungle work. They have also been exploring animal print and how it is used in different ways for camouflage.  Year 2 have enjoyed practising for sports day in preparation for next week. This week Year 3 have enjoyed beginning to make mini fact books in small groups about different types of animals. We’ve been working hard on researching facts and information and deciding how best to present it. We have also been practising for sports day next week which we are really looking forward to.

Year 4 have really enjoyed practising relay races, ready for sports day. They particularly liked the obstacle course! In Bandalong sessions, they’ve been busy preparing songs for their performances in July. Excellent playing of the trombones and cornets! Year 5 have loved preparing for their enterprise project, making clay beads. Other highlights have been using Canva and learning about angles in maths. It has been a busy sporting week for Year 6 with Beach rugby, athletics, sports day practice and our cricket PE lesson. In class, they have been learning about childhood in the Victorian period to help with their understanding of their leavers production, Oliver. Ms Williams is sure their families have been hearing the songs being sung around their homes.

Online safety – advice for parents

Dates for the diary

Tuesday June 18th – Nursery and Reception Sports Day (9.30 start)

Wednesday June 19th – Years 1, 2 and 3 Sports Day (13.30 start)

Thursday June 20th – Year 4, 5 and 6 Sports Day (13.30 start)

Wednesday July 3rd – PTA Summer Fair

Friday 12th July – Whole School Beach trip **Change of date**

Thursday July 11th – Meet your new teacher

Week beginning 8th July – Year 6 transition week

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Monday! 

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday June 7th

It’s been great return after half term with the sun shining and a school full of smiling faces.

A big thanks to those parents and friends that have visited Year 6 during their ‘World of Work’ week. The children thoroughly enjoyed hearing about your jobs and we greatly appreciate you giving up your time. If anyone else would be interested in visiting us in future, please let us know.

A big thanks to those that have completed the online form indicating consent for sharing via Seesaw. We would greatly appreciate those that haven’t yet completed the form doing so as soon as possible. This will allow us to move forward and begin working together to develop its use as a communication tool. A link to the form can be found below:

Seesaw Consent form

What a fun week P week in Nursery has been. The favourite activities have been the pets on the carpet, the Playmobile playground, the pizza parlour and the pushchairs. On Welly Wednesday they decorated paper planes and went on the field to fly them, and had a competition to find the plane that went the furthest. Gym was great fun, pushing the scooters along and peddling the bikes. This week Reception have been sharing different amounts into 2 groups. They listened to the story ‘Dear Zoo’ and thought of their own animals to match different ‘wow words’. They have also thought of some actions to help them retell the story using Pie Corbett. In gym children have been practicing skills ready for sports day. In our classroom they have had fun exploring the new jungles role play area, playing with jungle animals in the small world, drawing around stencils to help create jungle animals and rolling out green playdough to make lots of snakes of different lengths.

Year 1 have enjoyed using  the JIT program to send sprites in different directions and create amazing minibeast pictures using the different tools available.  They have also been learning o’clock and half past when telling the time. During continuous provision challenges they have classified minibeasts and made snails. Year 2 had a very exciting start back this week as their butterflies had emerged form their chrysalis. They had the joy of releasing them into our woodland watching them adapt to their natural habitat. They have also been learning about the layers of the rainforest and investigating which animals live in the different layers depending on their adaptions. Year 3 have enjoyed learning about World Environment Day and World Oceans Day, both of which are this week. Children made fact files and a quiz for World Environment Day and after watching a video about the importance of the oceans, created their own human bar graph about favourite things to do at the beach. They then used JIT to make this bar graph on the chrome books.

In year 4 the children have enjoyed painting a tonal background and adding a silhouette of a polar animal. Another highlight was creating their own animals thinking about what features it would need to adapt to its surroundings. Year 5 have enjoyed calculating angles on a straight line, making designs for enterprise, making their own animal adaptation and reading comprehensions. This week Year 6 have met lots of interesting people who have told them about their jobs and careers. Will Griffiths spoke about his life as a professional rugby player. The children asked some thoughtful questions and have found out about wages and payslips in maths lessons. They have learnt that lots of jobs need specific qualifications and can take a long time to train for different jobs. 

Sports Days

We’ve listened to parental feedback and will be trialling a different approach to Sports Day this year. Children will spend part of the day undertaking fun activities in school and the other part will take the form of a more traditional Sports Day with both ‘fun’ and competitive races. You’ll be pleased to know that parental participation has been added so if you’d like to take part, remember your sensible shoes. Sports Days will take place at the following times and parents / carers /families are more than welcome to attend:

Tuesday June 18th – Nursery and Reception Sports Day (9.30 start)

Wednesday June 19th – Years 1, 2 and 3 Sports Day (13.30 start)

Thursday June 20th – Year 4, 5 and 6 Sports Day (13.30 start)

Online safety – advice for parents

Dates for the diary

Tuesday June 18th – Nursery and Reception Sports Day (9.30 start)

Wednesday June 19th – Years 1, 2 and 3 Sports Day (13.30 start)

Thursday June 20th – Year 4, 5 and 6 Sports Day (13.30 start)

Friday 12th July – Whole School Beach trip **Change of date**

Thursday July 11th – Meet your new teacher

Week beginning 8th July – Year 6 transition week

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Monday! 

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday May 24th

We’ve come to the end of another half term and a big thanks for your ongoing support. A huge thanks to those parents that have offered help in developing our grounds. It makes a big difference! We wish you all a wonderful Half-term break and remind you that Monday June 3rd is an INSET Day so pupils will return to school on Tuesday June 4th. We’ve got lots planned for the final half term of the school year. Let’s hope for some fine weather to go along with lots of learning and laughter!

Sports Days

We’ve listened to parental feedback and will be trialling a different approach to Sports Day this year. Children will spend part of the day undertaking fun activities in school and the other part will take the form of a more traditional Sports Day with both ‘fun’ and competitive races. You’ll be pleased to know that parental participation has been added so if you’d like to take part, remember your sensible shoes. Sports Days will take at the following times and parents / carers /families are more than welcome to attend:

Tuesday June 18th – Nursery and Reception Sports Day (9.30 start)

Wednesday June 19th – Years 1, 2 and 3 Sports Day (13.30 start)

Thursday June 20th – Year 4, 5 and 6 Sports Day (13.30 start)

The Nursery have had great fun playing in our role play opticians, testing each others eyes and choosing which glasses they like. They worked with their friends to make nests for an owl after listening to the story “The Best Nest”.  Colour mixing to make orange, and printing with oranges was messy but lots of fun. The morning and afternoon children are loving playing in our revamped outside play area. This week Reception have classified minibeasts according to different criteria such as number of legs, wings and diet. They had fun creating their own ‘guess the minibeast’ game by giving 3 different clues on Seesaw. They have programmed the beebot to travel around a farm mat based on the story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and have created shape ladybirds. In gym children have loved practising for sports day, throwing a foam javelin through a hoop, running and jumping the hurdles and throwing the ball in a hoop. 

This week in year 1 the children have been learning more interesting facts about snails and bees. They have also learned the importance of bees to the environment. In maths they have measured using blocks and ordered objects from shortest to longest. During continuous provision the children have been giving instructions to send a bee bot robotic toy to a destination. They were super excited to start practising the sprint and sack race on the field ready for their sports day. Year 2 have had a very exciting week watching their caterpillars make their chysalis’. They will now stay inside for two weeks and when year 2 return from half term they should have some beautiful butterflies to observe! Year 2 have been working hard on telling the time and learning the days of the week, months of the year and time facts. They have enjoyed playing games and using the practice clocks. Da iawn! Year 3 have been working hard on non-chronological reports and have made a report about the importance of mini beasts as well as minibeast Top Trump cards to use in Golden Time. They’ve also been working hard to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. 

Year 4 have particularly enjoyed P.E, testing their endurance with circuit training and also having Sports Day race practice. They’re already excited for the finals! They have learnt a lot about tectonic plates across the Earth and also pieced together a map of the world, using the tectonic plates as a jigsaw. Adderchog! Year 5 have also enjoyed circuits in PE while writing an information text on a safari animal, angles in maths and de-weeding our planter were other highlights.. This week, Year 6 have enjoyed learning about how animals have adapted to different climate zones. In PE, they have been developing their skills in batting and bowling. The lesson was such fun that even Mr Evans joined in! Ms Williams had planned to model tectonic plate activity using Oreos, but they were too crumbly. Instead, for being able to explain how the world has changed from one big supercontinent called Pangea to what it looks like now and predicting how it might look in the future, each child got an Oreo!

Online safety – advice for parents

Dates for the diary

27th to 31st May – HALF-TERM

Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY

Week beginning 17th June – Sports Days

Friday 12th July – Whole School Beach trip **Change of date**

Week beginning 8th July – Year 6 transition week

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful Half term See you on Tuesday June 4th! 

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday May 17th

This week has really allowed us the time to appreciate the wonderful grounds we have at Waunarlwydd. The children have loved spending time learning outdoors in the sunshine and let’s hope the good weather continues.

The Nursery have had lots of fun singing nursery rhymes this week. They put the rhymes in the right order in the classroom and hunted for the characters from the rhymes in the woods, singing the rhyme when they found them. Acting out 10 in the Bed under the big blanket was great fun. They finished off the week making  biscuits in the shape of Numicon. This week Reception have been thinking about ladybirds! In drawing club we heard the story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and drew a map of the farm setting. We have started exploring the concept of ‘doubles’ by adding spots to a ladybird and used real clocks to find the o’clock times in the story. To end the week we read simple sentences about bugs, matched them to the correct picture and tried to copy the sentence. Gwaith wych!

Year 1 have been learning facts about spiders and ladybirds this week in preparation to write their fact files. They have looked at appearance, habitat, diet and interesting facts. In maths this week they have been learning to share objects equally. Continuous provision activities have included making number bonds to 10 and 20 as well as creating symmetrical butterflies. Year 2 have a had a brilliant week working on instructions using the beebot and the turtle app. They have been learning the importance of short and precise instructions. In addition they have been researching worms and finding out some fascinating facts! They have written some excellent reports using technical language. Year 3 their fabulous independent retelling of the Hungry Caterpillar using expression and adding wow words. We’ve also been practising our typing skills using J2e5 and have been working hard on reading the time using analogue clocks.

Year 4 have enjoyed researching the life of penguins for their non-chronological reports and have also been practising their money skills. Year 5 have enjoyed writing an information text on a polar animal, looking at how animals adapt to their habitat, researching food labels, circuits in PE and statistics and angles in maths. Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed designing and making a game set in a polar climate. This follows on from their non-chronological reports which they will be presenting on Sway.

World of Work’ week

During the week beginning Tuesday 4th June, Ms Williams is organising a ‘World of Work’ week. We are asking for any willing parents to come into school to talk about their jobs to the pupils in year 6. Thanks to those that have already made contact! If you are able to offer support for this, please get in touch. Diolch!

Breakfast Club reminder

If you would like your child to attend Breakfast Club (Reception to Year 6)please complete a booking form from the office. A reminder that it costs £1 a day for your child to attend prior to 8.20 (7.50 earliest). Diolch!

Online safety – advice for parents

Dates for the diary

27th to 31st May – HALF-TERM

Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY

Week beginning 17th June – Sports Days

Friday 12th July – Whole School Beach trip **Change of date**

Week beginning 8th July – Year 6 transition week

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a great bank holiday weekend! 

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday May 10th

The sun has been shining in Waunarlwydd and it’s been a great week. Technology has been a theme this week. A big thanks to our visitors from Swansea University for providing a Games workshop to years 5 and 6. Also, thanks to the Technocamps team for the workshops provided to years 1 to 6. The children thoroughly enjoyed. We say goodbye to our chicks this week as they return to the farm and the children have loved learning about them and watching them grow. Let’s hope we can look forward to some more sunshine in the coming weeks so we can get outside and make the most of our wonderful grounds. Don’t forget, if you can offer any help with planting, digging or painting, let us know. Diolch!

World of Work’ week

During the week beginning Tuesday 4th June, Ms Williams is organising a ‘World of Work’ week. We are asking for any willing parents to come into school to talk about their jobs to the pupils in year 6. If you are able to offer support for this, please get in touch. Diolch!

N week in Nursery has been all about numbers and Numicon. It was fun hunting for them in the woods on Welly Wednesday, writing them in chalk and using giant Numicon during outdoor learning. It has been great to start using the outdoor area properly again, with the lovely weather and lots of our areas back in use. The sand pit and water wall had definitely been missed. Reception have started their mini topic ‘creep, crawl and wriggle’ by finding different ways to sort minibeasts into 2 groups. In drawing club they read the story ‘The Very Busy Spider ‘ using fantastic vocabulary such as ‘focused’ and ‘magnificent’ then drew the Spider in his web. They used spiders to find number bonds to 8 and sorted facts about spiders. They also learnt a new Welsh Ffalala song called ‘Beth sy yn y bocs?’ using the welsh names for minibeasts. 

Year 1 have been busy acting out the story of The Very Hungry caterpillar Pie Corbett style to help them to re write the story independently. In maths this week they have been solving mini beast problems and entering data into a pictogram using the JIT program. They are very excited to use the stick puppets and puppet theatre that they made to retell the story. Year 2 have had another exciting week with the arrival of their tiny but very hungry caterpillars. They have been learning how to care for the caterpillars and about their lifecycle. They had a visit from Technocamps and learned about algorithms and how to debug them ensuring their instructions are clear and concise. Year 3 loved innovating and retelling the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar using i movie and their puppet theatre. They also enjoyed some art by making a hatching chick paper model. Da iawn!

Year 4 loved having Technocamps in, to teach them how to code Microbits, to help save animals. They had so much fun. They also really enjoyed creating their food chain collages. They look so effective and they can’t wait to display them in class! Year 5 have had a great week, particularly enjoying the game design workshop and Technocamps visit. They’ve also loved researching a polar animal and learning about statistics in maths. This week, Year 6 enjoyed learning to code microbits with Technocamps. In PE they have started learning the skills needed for cricket. In Maths, they have been looking at different ways that data is represented e.g. pie charts. In Literacy, they have found the features of non-chronological reports to help them write their own on a polar animal next week.

We are enjoying playing Welsh games with the younger children at ‘amser cinio’. From this week we are choosing 2 children to give a certificate to, for siarad cymraeg at lunchtime. We have also got Welsh stickers to give out. Criw Cymraeg

We are working hard to develop our school grounds and would like to invite any willing parent/family volunteers to help. If you can give up an hour or so on any Friday to help with outdoor painting, planting and gardening, please get in touch. Tea, coffee, biscuits and huge thanks provided!

Online safety – Tips for parents

Dates for the diary

27th to 31st May – HALF-TERM

Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY

Week beginning 17th June – Sports Days

Friday 5th July – Whole School Beach trip

Week beginning 8th July – Year 6 transition week

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a great bank holiday weekend! 

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday May 3rd

Another great week of learning and laughing together at Waunarlwydd! Thanks to those parents that were able to attend Miss Shaw’s workshop about our plans to introduce SEESAW as a home/school resource. The response was very positive and we’ll be holding a repeat workshop for other parents that may wish to learn more. The arrival of the chicks caused great excitement throughout the school and I’m sure there will be requests coming for new house pets.

I had the pleasure of joining the Nursery on their visit to the ‘Farmers Arms’ in Waunarlwydd and it was wonderful to see so many former pupils serving the children. Diolch!

Lots of highlights as always! Morning Nursery have been learning about using money this week. They have been ‘buying’ their morning snack and playing in the shop role play area. The best part of the week though, was going to The Farmers on Tuesday. The children ordered the toast topping and drink flavour they wanted, and paid for their order, learning how we use money in real life. They then had a great time playing in the playground. Thank you to the Farmers for a lovely morning. It was especially nice to have ex pupils serving. This week Reception have continued to learn about the Very Hungry Caterpillar. They looked at butterfly wings and created their own symmetrical butterfly pictures. The children have talked about the food that the hungry caterpillar ate and sorted into healthy and unhealthy food. In maths they have talked about what happens when you take away from a group of objects and played take away games using a dice.

It has been a very exciting week in Year 1 as the chicks have finally arrived! What an amazing experience it was for the children to actually watch some of the chicks hatching out of their eggs. The children have been practising how to hold them very gently and are realising how very noisy they are! Some of the tadpoles have grown back legs so the children have been looking closely at the daily changes. Year 2 have also been excited by the arrival of the chicks! They have really enjoyed watching them hatch, feed and interact with each other. The children have been working hard acting out ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ story using puppets and a diorama that they made.  They learned the story Pie Corbett style and have used lots of expression in their story teller voices. Year 3 loved meeting and holding the chicks as they’ve hatched this week and talking about the lifecycle of a chick. They’ve also been working hard on improving their confidence when adding larger amounts of money.

Year 4 have enjoyed learning an information text all about Polar bears, using Talk for Writing – they’re experts at thinking of actions to go with their words now! They have also been fantastic at learning about penguin huddling, the reasons why they do it and also completing a science experiment finding out where the warmest place of the huddle would be. Year 5 have enjoyed writing a glossary, playing welsh games on Blocket and interpreting graphs in maths. The highlight was their duathlon day at Gowerton Comprehensive School. A big thanks to all at Gowerton for arranging! This week, Year 6 have started preparing for their non-chronological reports on polar animals. They worked hard on their glossaries and learnt a complex paragraph of information using Talk for Writing. In PE, as it was raining, they went to boot camp – 10 different activities in a circuit. Ms Williams is still aching after joining in too! In ‘Discovery Time’, the class are looking forward to designing and making a new game based in a polar environment. Year 6 also participated in their first Philosophy for Children discussion about loneliness and how it can impact someone’s life. Ms Williams was impressed with the children’s very thoughtful and mature responses. 

We are working hard to develop our school grounds and would like to invite any willing parent/family volunteers to help. If you can give up an hour or so on any Friday to help with outdoor painting, planting and gardening, please get in touch. Tea, coffee, biscuits and huge thanks provided!

Online safety – Tips for parents

Dates for the diary

Thursday 9th May – Technocamps workshops (whole school)

Friday 10th May – Worthwhile Walk and fun day in Dunvant Park **POSTPONED**

27th to 31st May – HALF-TERM

Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY

Week beginning 17th June – Sports Days

Friday 5th July – Whole School Beach trip

Week beginning 8th July – Year 6 transition week

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a great bank holiday weekend! See you on Tuesday!

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday April 26th

It’s been great to have some sunshine this week and there’s been lots of learning and laughter outside. It’s been a little bit quieter this week with our amazing Year 6 pupils staying at Morfa Bay Adventure in Pendine. It was great to visit them and see how much they were enjoying. A big thanks to Ms Williams, Miss Shaw and Mrs Price for giving up their time to provide such a wonderful experience.

There have been lots of highlights this week. L week in Nursery has continued into a second week with a new story, “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch” and the children have been designing a healthy lunchbox for Mr Grinling. They have been making beautiful line pictures on the painting easel, on the i pads and outside with chalk. They made cracker ladybirds and became a human Beebot during gym. Reception have had fun finding out about the life cycle of a butterfly this week, drawing their own pictures to illustrate. During ‘Drawing Club’ they drew the main characters from the ‘Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and learned some new and interesting vocabulary. They have had fun creating animations, using the JiT app to design a background and move a minibeast from across the screen. We have also used the story of the ‘Hungry Caterpillar’ to create our own number stories, adding and taking away up to 10.

After celebrating World Earth Day on Monday, and having a renewable energy session, Year 1 have been making promises about how they can look after the planet. We’re sure they will be asking you to turn the lights and taps off at home when they are not in use! The weather has been kind to us this week so the children have enjoyed planting sunflower seeds and helping the grown ups to tidy up the outdoor garden. Lastly they had a chick talk where they were able to have all their interesting questions answered, so they are now super excited for the long awaited arrival of the chicks, only 4-6 more days to go! Year 2 have had a special visitor in from Earth Energy where they learned all about clean energy sources such as wind and solar power. They made circuits using solar power cell as an alternative to batteries. They used solar energy to power up LED lights, buzzers and motors. The children have also been busy making material flowers and learning how to use a glue gun. They are working on a flower project to enter into Plantasia in Bloom. Wow! Another busy week in Year 3 with the children learning a topic story through Talk 4 Writing, ready to innovate and retell next week in a puppet show style theatre. They have also enjoyed using the work of Monet to recreate a scene of a beautiful garden as part of a class ‘jigsaw’.

Year 4 have had a really creative week. They have especially enjoyed creating their penguin collages and writing a wonderful polar themed poem. Year 5 have loved creating penguin collage art, playing dodgeball in PE, learning a text map all about polar bears using talk for writing and planning a science investigation around penguin huddling. Gwaith wych! No prizes for guessing the highlight in Year 6 this week. The children have had a wonderful time and been a credit to Waunarlwydd during their residential at Morfa Bay. The children that stayed at school have been outstanding mentors for the younger children.

We are working hard to develop our school grounds and would like to invite any willing parent/family volunteers to help. If you can give up an hour or so on any Friday to help with outdoor painting, planting and gardening, please get in touch. Tea, coffee, biscuits and huge thanks provided!

Criw Cymraeg update

‘Every lunchtime we are playing Welsh games with Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in the yard. The favourite games at the moment are ‘Faint o’r Gloch Mr Blaidd’ and a ball game where they name animals in Welsh. The children are all really enjoying playing the games and using lots of Welsh.’ Criw Cymraeg

Online safety – Tips for parents

School Senedd – Waunarlwydd Core Values

Our Senedd have been working on our school core values of kindness, honesty, collaboration, positivity, respect and diversity. They have written a letter to parents (see below) asking for help with ideas or examples of these values.

Letter from Sennedd.pdf

We would be grateful if you could complete the form on the following link, diolch!

Dates for the diary

Monday 29th April  – Cricket Engagement Wales (Years 1 to 6)

Monday 29th April – Year 5 triathlon Day at Gowerton Comp.

Thursday 9th May – Technocamps workshops (whole school)

Friday 10th May – Worthwhile Walk and fun day in Dunvant Park

27th to 31st May – HALF-TERM

Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a great weekend!

Mr Jamie Evans
