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Friday June 7th

It’s been great return after half term with the sun shining and a school full of smiling faces.

A big thanks to those parents and friends that have visited Year 6 during their ‘World of Work’ week. The children thoroughly enjoyed hearing about your jobs and we greatly appreciate you giving up your time. If anyone else would be interested in visiting us in future, please let us know.

A big thanks to those that have completed the online form indicating consent for sharing via Seesaw. We would greatly appreciate those that haven’t yet completed the form doing so as soon as possible. This will allow us to move forward and begin working together to develop its use as a communication tool. A link to the form can be found below:

Seesaw Consent form

What a fun week P week in Nursery has been. The favourite activities have been the pets on the carpet, the Playmobile playground, the pizza parlour and the pushchairs. On Welly Wednesday they decorated paper planes and went on the field to fly them, and had a competition to find the plane that went the furthest. Gym was great fun, pushing the scooters along and peddling the bikes. This week Reception have been sharing different amounts into 2 groups. They listened to the story ‘Dear Zoo’ and thought of their own animals to match different ‘wow words’. They have also thought of some actions to help them retell the story using Pie Corbett. In gym children have been practicing skills ready for sports day. In our classroom they have had fun exploring the new jungles role play area, playing with jungle animals in the small world, drawing around stencils to help create jungle animals and rolling out green playdough to make lots of snakes of different lengths.

Year 1 have enjoyed using  the JIT program to send sprites in different directions and create amazing minibeast pictures using the different tools available.  They have also been learning o’clock and half past when telling the time. During continuous provision challenges they have classified minibeasts and made snails. Year 2 had a very exciting start back this week as their butterflies had emerged form their chrysalis. They had the joy of releasing them into our woodland watching them adapt to their natural habitat. They have also been learning about the layers of the rainforest and investigating which animals live in the different layers depending on their adaptions. Year 3 have enjoyed learning about World Environment Day and World Oceans Day, both of which are this week. Children made fact files and a quiz for World Environment Day and after watching a video about the importance of the oceans, created their own human bar graph about favourite things to do at the beach. They then used JIT to make this bar graph on the chrome books.

In year 4 the children have enjoyed painting a tonal background and adding a silhouette of a polar animal. Another highlight was creating their own animals thinking about what features it would need to adapt to its surroundings. Year 5 have enjoyed calculating angles on a straight line, making designs for enterprise, making their own animal adaptation and reading comprehensions. This week Year 6 have met lots of interesting people who have told them about their jobs and careers. Will Griffiths spoke about his life as a professional rugby player. The children asked some thoughtful questions and have found out about wages and payslips in maths lessons. They have learnt that lots of jobs need specific qualifications and can take a long time to train for different jobs. 

Sports Days

We’ve listened to parental feedback and will be trialling a different approach to Sports Day this year. Children will spend part of the day undertaking fun activities in school and the other part will take the form of a more traditional Sports Day with both ‘fun’ and competitive races. You’ll be pleased to know that parental participation has been added so if you’d like to take part, remember your sensible shoes. Sports Days will take place at the following times and parents / carers /families are more than welcome to attend:

Tuesday June 18th – Nursery and Reception Sports Day (9.30 start)

Wednesday June 19th – Years 1, 2 and 3 Sports Day (13.30 start)

Thursday June 20th – Year 4, 5 and 6 Sports Day (13.30 start)

Online safety – advice for parents

Dates for the diary

Tuesday June 18th – Nursery and Reception Sports Day (9.30 start)

Wednesday June 19th – Years 1, 2 and 3 Sports Day (13.30 start)

Thursday June 20th – Year 4, 5 and 6 Sports Day (13.30 start)

Friday 12th July – Whole School Beach trip **Change of date**

Thursday July 11th – Meet your new teacher

Week beginning 8th July – Year 6 transition week

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Monday! 

Mr Jamie Evans


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