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Friday May 24th

We’ve come to the end of another half term and a big thanks for your ongoing support. A huge thanks to those parents that have offered help in developing our grounds. It makes a big difference! We wish you all a wonderful Half-term break and remind you that Monday June 3rd is an INSET Day so pupils will return to school on Tuesday June 4th. We’ve got lots planned for the final half term of the school year. Let’s hope for some fine weather to go along with lots of learning and laughter!

Sports Days

We’ve listened to parental feedback and will be trialling a different approach to Sports Day this year. Children will spend part of the day undertaking fun activities in school and the other part will take the form of a more traditional Sports Day with both ‘fun’ and competitive races. You’ll be pleased to know that parental participation has been added so if you’d like to take part, remember your sensible shoes. Sports Days will take at the following times and parents / carers /families are more than welcome to attend:

Tuesday June 18th – Nursery and Reception Sports Day (9.30 start)

Wednesday June 19th – Years 1, 2 and 3 Sports Day (13.30 start)

Thursday June 20th – Year 4, 5 and 6 Sports Day (13.30 start)

The Nursery have had great fun playing in our role play opticians, testing each others eyes and choosing which glasses they like. They worked with their friends to make nests for an owl after listening to the story “The Best Nest”.  Colour mixing to make orange, and printing with oranges was messy but lots of fun. The morning and afternoon children are loving playing in our revamped outside play area. This week Reception have classified minibeasts according to different criteria such as number of legs, wings and diet. They had fun creating their own ‘guess the minibeast’ game by giving 3 different clues on Seesaw. They have programmed the beebot to travel around a farm mat based on the story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and have created shape ladybirds. In gym children have loved practising for sports day, throwing a foam javelin through a hoop, running and jumping the hurdles and throwing the ball in a hoop. 

This week in year 1 the children have been learning more interesting facts about snails and bees. They have also learned the importance of bees to the environment. In maths they have measured using blocks and ordered objects from shortest to longest. During continuous provision the children have been giving instructions to send a bee bot robotic toy to a destination. They were super excited to start practising the sprint and sack race on the field ready for their sports day. Year 2 have had a very exciting week watching their caterpillars make their chysalis’. They will now stay inside for two weeks and when year 2 return from half term they should have some beautiful butterflies to observe! Year 2 have been working hard on telling the time and learning the days of the week, months of the year and time facts. They have enjoyed playing games and using the practice clocks. Da iawn! Year 3 have been working hard on non-chronological reports and have made a report about the importance of mini beasts as well as minibeast Top Trump cards to use in Golden Time. They’ve also been working hard to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. 

Year 4 have particularly enjoyed P.E, testing their endurance with circuit training and also having Sports Day race practice. They’re already excited for the finals! They have learnt a lot about tectonic plates across the Earth and also pieced together a map of the world, using the tectonic plates as a jigsaw. Adderchog! Year 5 have also enjoyed circuits in PE while writing an information text on a safari animal, angles in maths and de-weeding our planter were other highlights.. This week, Year 6 have enjoyed learning about how animals have adapted to different climate zones. In PE, they have been developing their skills in batting and bowling. The lesson was such fun that even Mr Evans joined in! Ms Williams had planned to model tectonic plate activity using Oreos, but they were too crumbly. Instead, for being able to explain how the world has changed from one big supercontinent called Pangea to what it looks like now and predicting how it might look in the future, each child got an Oreo!

Online safety – advice for parents

Dates for the diary

27th to 31st May – HALF-TERM

Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY

Week beginning 17th June – Sports Days

Friday 12th July – Whole School Beach trip **Change of date**

Week beginning 8th July – Year 6 transition week

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful Half term See you on Tuesday June 4th! 

Mr Jamie Evans


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