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Friday May 26th

After 33 years of teaching at Waunarlwydd Primary School, we can now confirm that Mr Jenkins will be retiring at the end of this academic year. I have no doubt that you will join us in thanking Mr Jenkins for his outstanding contribution over so many years. Let’s make sure that the last half term of the school year is a great success so that we can send Mr Jenkins (and Mrs Davies) off in style!

Help our Woodland!

Following the need for our woodland to be out of bounds (while the council have been completing essential work), we need to cut back and tidy up some areas. We are putting together a working party for Friday June 9th (during the school day -anytime between 9 and 3). A big thanks to those volunteers that have offered to help us. If you would like to join us, please let us know. Diolch!

Cluster RSE Parents meeting

All parents/carers are invited to a meeting at Gowerton Comprehensive School on Monday 5th June @4pm.  During the meeting, Jennifer Harding – Richards (Advisor for RSE and RVE) will be giving an overview of the RSE legislation and share the RSE code, guidance and expectations for schools (information leaflet).  In order to prepare for the event and answer any questions, please can you complete the following form, if you are attending, by Friday 26th May (12.00) – Diolch. Form for parents’ RSE meeting

It has been a wonderful end to a half term with the beautiful weather meaning the Nursery have spent most of their time outdoors in the sunshine. Carrying on with their work on number, morning Nursery took their clip boards around the school searching for numbers. Nursery rhymes were the theme on Welly Wednesday, with the highlight being rolling down the hill like Jack and Jill. Afternoon Nursery went to explore the woods for the first time this week and built an imaginary fire. The favourite activity though, was cooking biscuits in the shape of Numicon. Reception have been talking about how they have changed since being babies and sequencing a human timeline. They had fun listening to more of their favourite songs and playing our ‘Pwy ydy Pwy’ baby photo guessing game! Children learnt about their hand span and measured it with multilink and then took their learning outside to explore the lengths of sticks in the woodland. In P.E, children loved throwing and catching beanbags, balancing with bean bags on their heads and playing a beanbag relay race!

It has been ‘Gardening Week’ in Miss Tyrrell’s class and the children have been so excited to finally be able to use their beautiful outdoor garden again. Thank you to all the grown ups for your kind donations! Back in class the children have been learning facts about wild animals to help them write a fact file. They have put the animals in alphabetical order and used the turtle program on JIT to practise directional skills. Mrs Wallace and Mrs Howells’ class have enjoyed playing the glockenspiels this week, to accompany a song they have learnt to sing. The whole class had so much fun! The children also loved seeing their butterflies emerge from their cocoons and releasing them into their natural habitats. Highlights in Mrs Evans and Mrs Thomas’ class was also their beautiful butterflies emerging, releasing them into the outdoor area and watching them take flight! Children have also been busy planting fruit, vegetables and flowers to encourage pollinators as well as writing lovely character descriptions about elephants. Mr Reid’s class have enjoyed perfecting and performing their pirate dances in a Strictly Come Dancing style format. They’ve been working hard on their smuggler’s stories using writing targets and building confidence to write independently. They’ve also been working hard on maths skills including telling the time on analogue clocks and dividing with bigger numbers. Da iawn!

Mr Jenkins’ class have been learning to use mapping skills and co-ordinates to locate places. They have also made an animation and used coding to control a rocket to different planets. In numeracy they have been solving reasoning problems while in literacy children have been making story boards and acting these out using iMovie to create our performance adverts. Year 5 and 6 have loved using the field for lunchtime, daily mile and PE this week. In maths the children have been looking at probability and chance. The independent challenge was to present an A3 page about ‘What does it mean to be Welsh?’ The children used many different approaches and creative ideas to show their understanding. Gwaith wych!

Digital advice for parents

Dates for the diary

Monday June 5th – RSE information session for parents (16.00 to 17.00) at Gowerton Comprehensive School

Tuesday 20th June – Nursery sports day (time to be confirmed), Reception Sports Day (time to be confirmed)

Wednesday 21st June – Year 4, 5 and 6 Sports Day (13.30)

Thursday 22nd June – Year 1,2 and 3 Sports Day (14.00)

Friday June 30th – INSET DAY

Monday 3rd July – Nursery and Reception Parent workshops (9.15)

Mrs Evans/Mrs Thomas’ and Mr Reid’s class Parent workshops (13.15)

Tuesday 4th July – Miss Tyrrell’s and Mrs wallace/Mrs Howells’ class Parent Workshops (9.15)

Mr Jenkins’ class Parent workshops (13.15)

Wednesday 5th July – Year 5 and 6 Parent workshops (13.15)

Thursday July 6th – Summer Fair

Friday 14th July – Whole School Beach trip

Monday July 24th – INSET DAY

(Information about events specific to classes or cohorts will be sent out separately)

Have a great weekend!

Mr Jamie Evans

Deputy Headteacher

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